Of all of the things that you might want to add to your business, technology-wise, write this down on your do not wish list

  1. any kind of ‘smart home’ device
  2. see above

I repeat: do not put any kind of smart home device in your business or workplace.

I’m so sorry, Siri.

Hey, Google, I’m gonna have to say no.

Alexa, I just can’t trust you. Ever.

It might seem tempting to put a voice-enabled digital assistant in your office. Making simple tasks easier sounds like a no-brainer, right? It might even seem advisable. Clients and potential clients will see you using this kind of technology and think “whoa, these dudes are cutting edge,” right?

I am normally all about technology. But here, let me be clear — you risk committing business suicide if you put a voice-enabled device in your workplace.

I wish I could say that I came up with this viral snark, but alas I did not. But here it is


Far be it from me to harsh your fun when you’re at home and not at work. But even for your home, there are alarm bells of caution being sounded.

“Many of the companies making these devices have no experience with cyber security and see security as a cost. As a result, many of the devices you purchase have little or no security built into them.”

In your workplace? Good luck saying a former employee wrongfully walked off with your company jewels if you can’t point to having taken reasonable measures to make sure your company confidential information stays, ya know, “confidential” within the company. Having an always-listening device in your office is going to be something that you’ll need to be able to credibly defend. So why set yourself up for that risk in the first place? As Nancy Reagan told us oh so long ago: Just Say No.