Required US-DOL Poster for Coronavirus Paid Sick and Family Leave

All companies employing 500 (or fewer) employees must post this poster by April 1st. If you have employees working from home, you should send a copy of the PDF of the poster to those employees. Send the poster as a PDF attachment with the email set for “request a delivery receipt” and “request a readContinue reading Required US-DOL Poster for Coronavirus Paid Sick and Family Leave

HIPAA, GDPR, CCPA, and the Alphabet Soup of Data

Seemingly every day, there’s new of another data breach. Small to mid-sized businesses are being actively targeted by bad actors. Thinking that you and your company are too small for a coordinated attack is exactly the kind of complacency that hackers rely upon. To force us to help ourselves, federal and state governments have beenContinue reading HIPAA, GDPR, CCPA, and the Alphabet Soup of Data