Expensive Expense Accounts

If your company has a sudden (and very public) epiphany that letting employees expense meals from strip clubs is a bad idea, you’ve already lost. Likewise, if you think that the women at your company should be invited to events based upon their perceived physical attractiveness, you’ve already lost, too. https://deadspin.com/report-under-armour-ends-longstanding-practice-of-ex-1830238082

Land Shark … I Mean, Candygram!

Fortenberry v. Gemstone FoodsIf one of your employee suffers an “adverse” outcome, don’t be surprised after the fact by a supervisor who struggles to “yeah, but…” for a valid reason. In Fortenberry v. Gemstone Foods, you’ll find a road map for how not to manage an otherwise salaried workforce. The production managers, maintenance managers andContinue reading Land Shark … I Mean, Candygram!

Guaranteed Next-Day… Litigation

Amazon is likely to be censured by British regulators over its “Prime” subscription service. More particularly, the UK’s version of the FTC, the Advertising Standards Authority, is poised to rule that Amazon’s offers of “unlimited one-day delivery” are misleading. It’s advertising law 101 that absolutes need to be substantiated. Or else you are absolutely riskingContinue reading Guaranteed Next-Day… Litigation

LGBT Discrimination is Now Officially Illegal in Michigan

Big news this week, folks, big news right here in Garden City, Michigan. The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals just ruled that Title VII indeed protects employees from being discriminated-against based upon their sexual orientation or gender identity. You can read the story in the Detroit Free Press right here. Unless and until the USContinue reading LGBT Discrimination is Now Officially Illegal in Michigan